Laboratory and Instrumentation facilities
Currently the chemistry department has six research laboratories that are shared by the faculty members to carry out research activities. Five of these laboratories are well equipped for experimental research in chemistry. One of the laboratories has been developed as the “Advanced Computational Chemistry Center” by the theoretical chemists of this department to carry out contemporary theoretical and computational chemistry research. Research scholars pursuing their PhD along with MSc students doing their masters project are benefitted by the facilities available in these laboratories.
The department also has a instrumentation facility that is equipped with a UV-vis spectrophotometer, an emission spectrophotometer, an electrochemical analyzer, an infra-red spectrophotometer, a magnetic susceptibility meter and a few other minor equipment. The department has also received a DST-FIST grant for infrastructure development utilizing which it is going to procure two major equipment viz., differential scanning calorimetry-thermogravimetric analyzer and gas chromatography-mass spectrometer.